Hussein Babalola
1 min readOct 10, 2020


The other day while in the kitchen, my phone rang. It was in the living room. I hurried to pick up the call. Getting to the dining room, I hit my waist against one of the four corner edges of the dining table.
It was really painful. I wished it was the straight side edge, that would have been less painful.

Corner edges of tables have less surface Area than the sides. They are pointed while side edges are flat.
Physics says Pressure = Force/Area, we get Force = Pressure * Area

Therefore, for the same force(my hurried self), as Area of impact decreases, pressure (pain caused) increases and vice versa. It’s the same reason a sharpened knife cuts more than a Blunt one.
If the table had presented its side edges(more surface area) to my waist, that would have been significantly less painful.

This proves Presentation matters.

Whether you have a job interview, a startup pitch to investors, a class assignment, a billion dollar presentation, a ‘first’ date, Physics is giving you a pat on the back that spending a bit more time on presentation matters and has significant impact.

You’d rather poke an annoying classmate with a sharpened pencil than a blunt one.

Also, I missed the call

