My neighbors live in a duplex, implying they have a staircase in the house. The staircase has 10 steps. It’s 11, if one includes the last one at the top. Does one include it? Maybe, anyways we go with 10 steps.
I was recommended some study tip videos on YouTube. One was about a guy talking about how he went from a low 1.4 gpa in high school to graduating with 4.0/4.0 cgpa in college(university) and a bunch of others.
I thought to myself, “I read quite long hours, I don’t really need to watch this”. I thought further, “I don’t really lose anything by watching it”.
I clicked on it and got some good tips on improving my study. After watching, I realized my Ego was at work, ready to stall my growth when I saw the video.
Another one(DJ Khaled)
My stupid self thinks I have ‘quite good’ self discipline and that’s solely or mostly what I need to achieve my goals. My Ego sets in when friends and family tell me reality about achieving those goals, making statements like
‘it’s not really like that’, ‘it’s not usually the way you planned it’.
Basically, “You are or think you are good at something but your Ego prevents you from iterating people’s advice or suggestions for growth”.
You speculate on the path you want to take in achieving a goal then take little to no advice along the journey.
In such situations, I humble myself and use the Staircase Analogy. My speculation or the fact that I think I am disciplined or I am consistent in studying takes me from the bottom of the stairs, point A in my neighbor’s home to step 4 or 5 on the staircase. I am half way to my destination, but I need to get upstairs, point B (The goal), which is most important.
All my speculation, self discipline is kind of “okoto meow” if the goal isn’t achieved. This is where I convince myself to drop my ego and take advice from everyone or anyone to complete the remaining 5 steps. I can always filter, listen first.
Depending on how confident I am, I put myself on step 1 or 2, 5 and occasionally step 8 or 9 (abi nau). You could find similar analogy to help make you a little bit more happy with the decisions you make.
Stay safe
and…… the house mentioned is not my neighbor’s but my aunt’s, sorry I lied, that’s how stars do😊